This weekend has been very eventful. Chris and I took Leilani to the High Museum of Art to view the Civil Rights display. It was important to me to reflect on these people, times and events, because without them, I would have never been born and hence she wouldn't have been born (and we couldn't have that, now could we!). Some of the photos were extremely disturbing to me, but others where very inspirational.
Afterwards we got some lunch and headed to a friends house to watch football. She was perfect until she got too hot, so we had to leave. Oh well...
For the rest of the afternoon we hung out and after playing with her, making funny faces and noises (mostly Chris), she SMILED and it was MAGICAL! I cried...hahaha...yes, I am a big corn-ball, but it just melted my heart. Who knew one gummy smile could light up my life so much...well needless to say, now I am trying to make her smile all the time!
She is growing so quickly and we are enjoying every minute of it. I think she is officially out if her newborn clothes. But we have enough 0-3 months to last a lifetime!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago