Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ah Life

Well were do I begin. No matter how terrible things seem to be going recently with the fertility crap, Alana and I have pushed through it. Yes as she claims the mood swings have been getting worse everyday she has been taking the Lupron. Yeah for me!!!! But as fast as they come they are gone and she is pleasant for 80% of the day. I look at other couples and when they are in a pinch the weakness in their relationship really shows. As for Alana and I, well, we must be some bad ass mofos because we just keep on going like its just another day. As a man I won't be girly about it but I feel bad for other guys. I would rather shoot myself in the foot than deal with any typical girl out there in the world. Alana is the best


Lauren said...

You're so cute Chris! You and Alana are both amazing people...and together, the ultimate "Power" couple. :) You guys just keep on truckin through stuff that would cripple many couples. You're an inspiration!


MsSmallsschoolblog said...

Hey cousins!!

All I can say is Wow!! But do not be disheartened. Just when you think you have had all that you can take, something miraculous happens. I wish I could be your surrogate but I know this is something you want to do together. Just have faith and everything will work out. It always does.

I'm home this school year and I am not used to not working yet. If I can find my way down there, I'll come and stay for a while but do not be discouraged, everything happens for a reason and I've got a feeling that pretty soon, we will be having a baby shower. Just let me know so I can start shopping.

Remember, family remains the same and I am pretty proud of both of you. Both of you are amazing. DO NOT FORGET THAT!! And, your baby is going to be spoiled and loved just like we all were.

I know that you probably can't come but I am going to an invitation to Saadiq's birthday party. He will be 10. You do not have to send him anything, just a call. He just wrote about his cousins Chris and Alana for school. His friends were amazed that he has been on a plane and out of NYC.

Just remember we love you and we pray for you each night. Don't worry the "little Powers" will be here soon. If you need me, just call.

Luv U 3 much,
