So last night Chris and I are about to go to bed and or conversation goes something like this:
A: I love you
C: I love you too
A: How much do you love me?
C: More than anything in the world. I realized that I would be okay with dying if I knew I would be reincarnated and be able to find you again!
A: (crying...with tears and everything), that is SO sweet
Chris is seriously the best guy that I know, I guess its a good thing I married him. We have been going through alot lately and when I found out I had to have surgery, here is the email he sent to me:
Subject: How Much I Love You
I love you more than anything else in the world. I can never honestly know what you are going through right now. You are sacrificing you body and emotions for us while I have to sit here helpless. No matter how involved I get I can do nothing to help change the outcomes we've had these past terrible months. All I can hope is that I am providing you with the physical and emotional support you need and deserve. You never have to apologize for what ever reason. Nothing is your fault and the disappointment we share is not in you or myself but of the hope we had in a positive outcome. We are in a situation were we cannot financially and more importantly Emotionally afford to be pessimistic about the result we are trying to obtain. All we can do is hope for the best and shoot for the stars and in the end know that we have each other talk to , to hold, to cry with, vent to and love. I will always be here for you and It makes me proud that you accept that and allow yourself to be so vulnerable with me. Its an honor to except you for all that you are and that even in my lowest moments you may have a discouraging look on your face but the love in your eyes in unmistakable. This is a step in our lives that someone or something is requiring us to muddle through and we will conquer it triumphantly together. This journey will only get harder but we will become stronger and love each other harder with every tribulation. I love you Alana. Even after 3 years and all that we have done together every time I see you after us being apart for any amount of time you still give me the same chills as if it was the first time I saw you after the first night we spent apart.
With all my Love and Infinite Devotion,
Isnt he the best!! Its okay to be a little jealous, I would be if I werent me! Just thought I would share as I am feeling particularly mushy today!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Y'all are such beautiful people. Really. The world needs more Powerses. I have no doubt that y'all will come through this. Stay strong y'all.
I seriously think I just got 15 cavities because of all the sweetness.
I MAY be jealous, lol.
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